EDDY Water Treatment System

Easily Manage Used Drill Water

About the system

Designed for exploration drill sites

The recovery of drill water on a drill site must be managed in way that is not detrimental to operations. Managing used drill water can be complicated and costly for entrepeneurs and the solutions available on the market are often ill-suited for the needs of a drill site or core shack.

EDDY, a water treatment system from Fordia, was designed for exploration drill sites and core shacks. With its maximum flow rate of 45 gpm (10 m3), it treats drill water in order to separate the cuttings.

Once they are dried out, the cuttings can be more easily handled and disposed of. The treated water can then be discarded while still respecting environmental standards or even re-used in order to lower water consumption.

The EDDY water treatment system allows:

  • Lower environmental impact
  • Compliance with current environmental standards
  • Re-use of the majority of drill water
  • Lower costs of supplying water
  • Improved safety for workers


EDDY Floc is a flocculent that aids in decantation of drill cuttings. EDDY Floc is recommended for use with the EDDY water treatment system when drilling is performed without additives. Make sure to follow instructions carefully prior to mixing for best results.

  • Powder based product
  • Premeasured in 250 gram bags.
  • Can be used when drilling using drill rod grease


EDDY Set is a coagulant that aids in the decantation of drill cuttings. EDDY Set is recommended for use with the EDDY water treatment system when drilling is performed with additives or polymers. Make sure to follow instructions carefully prior to mixing for best results.

  • Powder based product
  • Premeasured in 12.5 kg. pails

Product Documentation

Whether you are looking for specific technical insights on one of our products, or whether you are looking for general information on how to make the best configuration selection, we offer a wide array of documents to support you.

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Technical Sheet

Eddy Water Treatment System Technical Sheet

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Installation Diagram

Eddy Water Treatment System Installation Diagram

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Michael Lavoie

Product Specialist

Eric Boucher

Mudwizard Director